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Making friends as Data Ethicist – lessons from scaling responsible data initiatives

12:30 amData Responsibility, Privacy Enhancement and Responsible AI

Diana has been at the forefront of the data and AI ethics movement since assuming her post as Data Ethics Lead for Sky Group in October 2021.

In this talk, she will be reflecting on her journey of shaping and driving the data and AI ethics function within a large corporate organisation.

She will try and demystify the ‘data ethics’ practices and offer practical examples on how best to:

i) grow and harness an internal network of digital ethics champions 

i) spearhead the process of cultural change across the organisation

As well as sharing her lessons learnt, Diana will elaborate on the recurring themes and challenges inherent to the ethical tech movement.

She will offer some advice to the existing and inspiring data practitioners, as well as share her predictions for the future of the rapidly evolving data and AI ethics field.

Diana Spehar
Data Ethics Lead